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Sunday, December 24, 2006

'Twas the night before launch day

'Twas the night before launch and all through that day
Not a creature had stirred not even QA

The requirements had been collected from the users with care
In the hopes that on launch day no bugs would be there

The project team was all nestled, snug in their beds
While visions of smiling users danced through their heads

When from my computer there rose such a clatter,
I checked my email to see what was the matter

And what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But another stakeholder with a last minute fear

More rapid than eagles, the emails they came,
And he added his feature requests like it was a game

I want dropdowns and buttons and menus and blogs
And Tabs, and tool tips and more dialogs

My eyes glazed over as I looked at the screen,
And my fingers danced on the keyboard, nimble and lean

A check of the requirements, a glance at the scope
Soon gave me to know I had plenty of hope

I spoke not a word, but replied straight away,
Cutting and pasting the specs, furiously that day

And laying my finger on the ENTER key,
I answered his questions so perfectly

We have the dropdowns, the buttons, the menus and blogs,
the tabs, the tool tips and every dialog.

We met with the users and left nothing unnamed
We designed, we developed, we tested and trained

He replied to the team, his fears were allayed
He was now confident in the software we'd made

And as I read his email, in which he felt so contrite
He IM'd me to say:

Happy Launch day to all and to all a good night.
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